Job Site

Job Site

Job Site The newly appointed Minister of Labor, Marina Calderone, has been a consultant in the field for more than 20 years, as well as the president of the Order of Consultants since 2005. A profound connoisseur of the Italian labor market, Calderone, however, is not...
Office bullies

Office bullies

Office bullies There is the violent colleague struggling with outbursts of anger, the one who instead implements a more subtle strategy of tacit suggestion and misbehavior, or the one who pillories others for alleged faults. Worker-on-worker violence, writes...
Major layoffs

Major layoffs

Major layoffs Those just concluded have been difficult weeks for the tech giants. The so-called “tech winter” had been underway for several months, as stock market valuations of industry stocks plummeted and new funding for startups dried up. The last few...
Positive signals

Positive signals

Positive signals There was a boom in permanent contracts in Italy in the first eight months of 2022, Corriere writes. Taking the snapshot of labor market conditions in our country were the latest data from the INPS Observatory on Precarious Employment, which found an...