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The most in-demand professions and courses to work right away

When one approaches the world of personal retraining courses, or courses for workers, one realizes how vast the offerings are. However, if one’s goal is to enter the professional world immediately, or to change jobs by choosing a whole new field, it is necessary to know which courses are worth focusing on.

The most in-demand occupations

Before even choosing which course to take, it is necessary to take a look at the world of work. And identify what, today, are the most in-demand occupations.

A preponderant role, in the professions of the future, is played byIT (Information Technology). And, therefore, everything related to the application of technology in solving business and organizational problems.

Professionals with marked skills in this field are therefore in high demand, and will be increasingly so: Machine Learning Specialists, Big Data Scientists, Cloud Architects, Growth Hackers, Cyber Security Specialists, and Digital Transformation Managers. In addition, Social Media Manag ers and eCommerce Managers, SEO Specialists and Web Designers also continue to be popular.

By enrolling in vocational courses for workers in these industries, you can gain the skills you need to find employment right away. Whether one is entering the world of work for the first time or one’s desire is to improve oneself by changing professions.


Best courses for working

Regardless of what your degree is, there are numerous courses you can take to acquire new skills, to enhance them, or to learn a trade that-now as in the future-will be increasingly needed:

  • Social Media Management course: the course teaches how to take care of corporate social profiles, outlining an editorial strategy and creating ad hoc content for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and TikTok;
  • eCommerce Management course: with the increasing importance of commerce on the Web, the eCommerce Manager is a highly sought-after profession. The course teaches how to deal with everything related to the sales journey of an online asset: conducting market research, contributing to platform development, setting sales goals, devising ADV campaigns, and monitoring sales performance;
  • Machine Learning course: the Machine Learning Engineer is the professional who is responsible for collecting and processing data for the development of a Machine Learning model, but also for designing and monitoring that model. A Machine Learning course teaches how to do this;
  • SEO course: on the Web, content is crucial, and it is essential that it be written with the right keywords and language. SEO courses train SEO Specialists, professionals who deal with organic search engine rankings precisely through content;
  • Digital Marketing course: digital marketing is the set of activities aimed at selling a product/service online, or implementing a communication strategy through the web. A Digital Marketing course teaches online advertising and content marketing, the secrets of Email Marketing and Social Media Marketing, and learning the fundamentals of Affiliate Marketing;
  • Java Developer course: the course trains Java Developers, teaching them to use HTML and CSS languages, to program and design software, to learn about frameworks, the most common Web Servers, and the functionality of the most widely used directional databases;
  • Data Analyst course: also perfect for supplementing an undergraduate course, the Data Analyst course teaches languages such as Python or R programming, typically not addressed in the university, to train Data Science professionals.

To make your entry into the world of work, or to change your profession, Phyd provides its members with the best experts. With the help of coaches you will gain a full awareness of your skills, and you will be able to identify the career path best suited for you.

In addition, you can access a wide selection of online courses to improve your skills or acquire new ones.


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