Home » Web Copywriter: who he is and how to become a Web Editor

Web Copywriter: what it’s all about and how to become a Web Editor

The Web Copywriter is among the most in-demand professions at the moment for large companies active in the Digital Marketing sector that need to create an increasing amount of editorial content online to meet the needs of their customers, particularly those who sell products or services online.

Also called Web Editor or Digital Copywriter, he or she is responsible for writing text for Internet sites and digital applications, product sheets or informational content for Blogs and Digital Magazines.

This is a profession that differs from that of the classical Copywriter, devoted instead to creating content for print media.

What does the Digital Copywriter do

The Copywriter is a professional who makes words his working and communication tool. Its goal is to help companies and organizations communicate clearly and persuasively, creating content that is consistent to the audience by tailoring constructed messages.

The Copywriter can be involved in both the production of text for brochures, flyers, press releases and guides, and on digital content. Specifically, the Web Copywriter writes informational and advertising text for websites, product sheets for e-commerce, and content for newsletters and social networks. May work for public or private companies, communication agencies or as a freelance professional.

Several activities are included in the work phases of the Digital Copywriter, starting with the study of the company’s brand and goals.

Once the tone of voice has been defined and the target audience and communication channels to be used have been delved into, the Web Copywriter begins to write the content.

With the development of the digital market and the need for increasingly vertical professionals, new areas of specialization have also emerged such as Seo Web Copywriting, aimed at creating content optimized for search engines such as Google.

How to Become a Web Copywriter

There is no one-size-fits-all training path to follow in pursuing a career as a Web Copywriter.

In order to understand how to become a Web Editor, it is important to analyze the requirements and skills that may prove useful in this profession. Although taking a college course in Communication Science, Communication Psychology, or Marketing can provide an excellent theoretical starting point, a degree is not necessary to become a professional in the field.

A good Web Copywriter must know Italian grammar very well, from spelling to syntax, have excellent lexical skills, and have creative writing skills. In addition to language skills, he or she must combine basic digital marketing skills, persuasive communication, and have excellent knowledge of how Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) works and techniques for optimising an online text from an SEO perspective.

How much does a Web Copywriter make?

His or her salary varies widely, depending on the level of experience and where he or she works (company, agency, or self-employed). If you consider a Web Copywriter an employee, whether he or she is employed within a company or a communications agency, the net salary is between 1,100 and 1,700 euros per month.

A freelance Web Copywriter earns, on the other hand, can see his or her fees rise as high as 3,000 a month.

How to find a copywriting course?

Register on Phyd and discover the many Copywriting courses in Italian and English that the platform offers. Learn the basics of this profession or delve into the more specific and more technical aspects of Copywriting.


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