Home » AutoCAD course: which one is the best?

Course on AutoCAD online: costs and schedule

While not the first among Computer Aided Design programs, AutoCAD is certainly the most recognized, to the point that it has become the undisputed reference in architecture and engineering.

What is AutoCAD? It is a CAD-type software oriented to 2D and 3D drawing and modeling. It therefore allows you to create and modify geometric models by developing infinite types of structures and objects.

Its transversality and versatility have made AutoCAD the program par excellence not only in architecture and engineering, but also in graphic and interior design.

Taking an AutoCAD course is therefore mandatory for pursuing certain professions, but it is also an important skill to include in your resume when you want to retrain.

What the AutoCAD program is for

Taking an AutoCAD course opens the door to many opportunities. In mechanical engineering it can be used to create manufacturing processes as well as to design parts for motors, robots and other innovative objects. In electrical engineering it is used to map electrical systems, and in civil engineering to design bridges and roads. But in addition to engineers, AutoCAD is also used by:

  • architects, to create designs and floor plans for houses and commercial buildings, and to analyze and remedy weaknesses in building design;
  • interior designer, to design the interior of a building, from a single room to the entire living, commercial or production space;
  • artists, to design sculptures, engravings and artworks.

Not only architects, engineers, and surveyors: taking a certified AutoCAD course can also allow you to work (under employment contracts or as a freelancer) for public agencies and private companies, especially in the electronics and mechanical sectors, but also for the wood industry and the manufacturing industry in general.


  • AutoCAD and AutoCAD Civil 3D are required for designers, architects, and engineers;
  • AutoCAD Architecture is equipped with features specific to the world of architecture;
  • AutoCAD Electrical is specifically for electrical system designers.

Online AutoCAD course, which one is the best

To choose the online AutoCAD course that is right for you, you need to start with your profession or career path that you want to pursue.

Phyd makes available to its members a wide range of AutoCAD courses, organized by the best providers on the market: Weschool, LinkedIn Learning, Udemy.

How much does an AutoCAD course cost? Depending on its duration and modules, you can spend a few tens as well as several hundreds.

On the platform it is possible to find AutoCAD courses in Italian and English, of basic or advanced level, complete courses and courses dedicated to specific functions of the program. To attend, you must have a PC with minimum requirements (1 Ghz processor, 4GB ram and DirectX 11-compatible video card) and basic computer skills are essential.

basic AutoCAD course
teaches how to install the program and activate the free license, use 2D and 3D modeling commands, draw lines, and construct three-dimensional drawings. Instead, the advanced AutoCAD course, generally required in job postings, teaches the fundamentals of parametric drawing, advanced drawing, editing and management techniques, interface customization, dynamic blocks, attributes, data, and all the program’s advanced-level features.

To turn your career around, the advice is to become an Autodesk qualified AutoCAD draughtsman by obtaining Autodesk certification. Those who possess good technical and industrial drawing skills, and have a thorough knowledge of the program, can in fact find employment in many areas of architecture, mechanical and civil engineering, electronics, biomedical, and industrial design. To obtain certification, you must pass the exam and hand it in or send it to the selected Autodesk authorized center.


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