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Coaching: what it is and main types of coaching

According to the UNI 11601:2015 standard, the
è a
partnership between coach and coachee
, aimed at achieving some of the latter’s goals. The coach, with his or her professionalism and experience, helps the coachee increase his or her performance (in work, life, and sports) by enhancing and enhancing his or her personal resources, skills, and abilities. In this way, he will not only improve his performance but also his state of well-being.

It is not only reserved for athletes, celebrities or big managers:
coaching is for everyone
. Anyone can be “coachable” with excellent results: what counts above all is the coachee’s openness to
Using one’s personal resources
to work better and be better.

What is coaching and why it is important

The meaning of coaching is very broad, as is its range ofi action.

Indeed, coaching creates awareness, enhances one’s abilities and leads toward change. Numerous studies have demonstrated its
positive impact
, well-being and
job performance

Highly personalized and individualized, coaching is based on the relationship between coach and coachee. The coach, due to his expertise and preparation, has a
holistic approach
: thus helps the person gain greater self-awareness by going to analyze what he or she needs most and considering the goals he or she intends to achieve.

To define the
is in fact the coachee, not the coach: the latter is the “means” through which to achieve them, finding the answers within oneself and harnessing one’s full potential.

benefits of coaching
are numerous:

  • self-awareness

  • resilience
    : those with high self-awareness handle stress better and can adapt better to unfavorable situations and changing circumstances;

  • collaboration
    : working as a team while going through a coaching process provides a better understanding of the group’s viewpoints, helps to resolve conflicts and manage the team in the most efficient way;

  • self-efficacy
    , thus confidence in one’s abilities and ability to control events and one’s life;

  • communication
    : Coaching helps develop communication skills, with obvious benefits on a personal and professional level;

  • work-life balance
    : through coaching you learn to determine what your priorities are.

From an employment perspective, moreover, coaching
improves Employee Engagement
individual performance

How to choose the perfect coach?

Before choosing the best coach for yourself it is essential to ask yourself what your
and what are one’s
. Ask yourself what you would like to change, fix, or improve, and how you think a coach can help you. Putting the answers down on paper will help you understand which path to take.

The next step is to find a coach with whom you can connect and who is
in line with your goals and expectations
: You have to rely on someone who you believe really has the ability to help you. Find out about his approach by peeking at his socials or his YouTube channel.

Once you have identified the professional who is right for you,
book a session
: you’ll know right away if you are compatible, and if he/she is the coach you’ve been looking for.

How many types of coaching are there?

There is no single type of coaching: the
Phyd’s coaching services
allow professionals, students and athletes to enroll in a
coaching, tutoring or mentoring program
held by a
team of experts
, capable of guiding you toward the coaching path best suited to your needs.

Life Coaching

Life Coaching
enables you to gain greater self-awareness, helps you identify goals and priorities, and enables you to take the right actions to change your life (personal and professional).

Career Coaching

To identify the best career path for you, to set realistic goals and to embark on career growth that makes you happy, the
Career Coaching
is the ideal.

Executive Coaching

Professional coaching dedicated to managers and executives, the
Executive Coaching
includes all those activities aimed at training and consolidating the leadership of those in positions of responsibility, through a path of growth in personal awareness.

Business Coaching

To improve one’s approach to work and to enhance one’s professional growth, the
Business Coaching
Is an essential tool. In fact, it helps the person become more aware about the role he or she plays, to enhance it and to make it measurable and therefore recognizable.

Student Coaching

Student Coaching
is a form of coaching reserved for students. This program can help them better organize their time, build an effective study method, and regain confidence in themselves and their abilities.

Sports Coaching

Reserved for athletes, the
Sport Coaching
helps improve motivation, performance and training management regardless of the sport being played, whether individual or team.


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