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Executive Coaching: coaching for corporate management

Executive coaching is a customized training methodology that involves a series of one-on-one interactions between a manager (or executive) and an external coach.

The goal of coaching is to provide the leader with the knowledge he or she needs for more effective team management, and to more quickly and efficiently achieve the long-term goals set by the company.

What is Executive Coaching

The term “executive coaching” describes the relationship between the coachee, a person who has managerial authority and responsibility within a company, and the coach.

An experienced consultant, the coach’s job is to help the manager improve his or her performance and personal satisfaction by helping him or her achieve certain goals and reflexively improve business efficiency.

The goals ofexecutive coaching are numerous, and they are customized based on the needs that the coachee manifests. Depending on his needs, skills and characteristics, executive coaching can help him to:

  • cope with changes that have occurred in the company or in his or her role;
  • Improve communication and time management;
  • Motivating his team;
  • Improve his leadership method;
  • Managing conflicts among his team members;
  • Making important decisions;
  • Define an action plan, implement it and monitor it.

What differentiates coaching from psychotherapy is precisely the focus on work: while the psychologist focuses on the person, the coach focuses on the work context. Therefore, it can provide the leader with the best tools to solve a problem with the team, to set priorities, or to communicate better. Or, simply, it can help him to be a better leader.

How executive coaching works and why it works

The first phase of an executive coaching journey is knowledge: the leader shares with the coach his or her achievements, and the goals the company has assigned him or her or the problems he or she intends to solve. Next comes the definition of an action plan, fully customized.

However, it is essential that, in the company, everyone is predisposed to coaching. Or that, to be involved in such a path, are only those workers who wish to do so. Only in this way can executive coaching yield the desired results.

Empirical research on the topic shows that, with the right involvement, coaching is shown to be effective in improving the performance of the leader and the team he or she coordinates. Executive coaching is not a panacea, however, but a valuable tool for management development. That is, as long as the company carefully selects the coach, based on his or her executive.

Coaching is not only beneficial for managers and leaders. In fact, it also benefits the team coordinated by the leader who has embarked on such a path.

In addition, the leader can become a coach himself. For example, an experienced project manager with the necessary coaching qualification can establish a coaching relationship with a junior project manager to successfully complete a complex project.

The coach-because of his or her coaching background-can help the junior project manager assess how that project is going, defining with him or her what changes and improvements to make to help him or her achieve a better result.

Phyd provides its members with the best experts, professional coaches capable of supporting managers of all levels to increase their performance, develop certain Soft Skills and manage the team more effectively.




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