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Why take a course in Facebook ADS

With more than two billion members still active worldwide, Facebook is the most widely used social network. Not only is it the virtual meeting place for old and new friends, but it is also an important resource for companies that, through communicative messages and targeted advertising, are able to attract users who are genuinely interested in the products and services they have to offer.

Hence the fame of Facebook ADS, the service provided by the platform for targeted advertisements and sponsorships.

And to learn how best to use it, it is necessary to take a Facebook ADS course, among the most useful and popular Social Media Manager courses.

Facebook ADS: what is it

Facebook AD S (from Advertising, meaning publicity) is called the ad platform designed to promote company products and services by sharing sponsored posts visible to target users.

In more detail, Facebook’s ADS Manager is among the most popular methods of paid social advertising for businesses worldwide.

Through the sharing of a graphic post, with a specially packaged advertising message in images and text, it is indeed possible to highlight one’s product or service in the eyes of the Buyer Person of the brand (potential customers who could generate new leads or proceed with the purchase process, concluding the transaction).

How Facebook ADS works

Facebook AD S is among the best online software for creating targeted advertising messages. Behind the payment of a variable advertisement amount, it allows to attract an audience as segmented as possible according to particular criteria entered during the creation of the message: from gender to age to place of residence or work. After detailing the variables, advertisements with Facebook ADS go to appear in the home of selected users. Compared to traditional advertising, ads with Facebook ADS allow a brand’s visibility to be enhanced without being too intrusive.

Why take a Facebook Ads course?

Learning how to best use a tool such as Facebook ADS allows you to get to know your company more deeply, learning what marketing is right for the product/service you offer.

In fact, Facebook’s ADS Manager allows those who use it to understand and store additional and important information about what their target market is, but more importantly what their Buyer Persona are, identifying their needs and what satisfies them. Not only that, it is also possible to learn which initiatives are the most engaging and appreciated, capable of generating engagement and response.

Facebook Advertising course: what to expect

With a Facebook ADS course, you learn how to create ad hoc advertising campaigns that respect the company’s business strategy but also take into account the target audience’s appreciation. It is precisely at this delicate stage of the purchasing process that the user must be involved to the best of his or her ability in order for him or her to complete the purchase.

By attending the course, you will therefore learn how to use Facebook ADS Manager and set up the advertising and strategic part of the communication campaign, which involves a series of activities, such as:

  • Set the right goals;
  • Figure out how to proceed in the face of retargeting users who already know the brand;
  • understand how to create an effective advertisement graphically, as much as textually, to communicate the right message;
  • Identify what types of audiences exist and set up the right ones for your campaign to be successful;
  • To better manage the available budget, optimizing it according to the set goals.

Phyd provides free Facebook ADS tutorials and courses for its members to understand how Facebook ADS works and how to manage Facebook marketing, reaching the right audience and running targeted Facebook ads.



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