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Full Stack Developer: what it does and how to become one

The Full Stack Developer is a developer who can design, develop, test, and publish sites and applications, taking care of every aspect: the data architecture, the navigation, the interface. It therefore performs both the work of the Front End Developer and the work of the Back End Developer, thanks to comprehensive technical training.

Full Stack Developer, what it does

The Full Stack developer creates Web sites with a solid internal architecture, providing the user with an intuitive and interactive interface. Expert in HTML, CSS and JavaScript, familiar with back-end technologies and database structures.

Typically, the Full Stack Developer works on a site or App starting from its design until launch final, using industry-standard practices to ensure that technical problems are properly addressed at each development stack (in computer science, a stack is a contiguous block of memory containing data).

After meeting with the client, he begins a brainstorming activity together with the Web Designer. It then creates one or more prototypes, shows them to the customer, and tests them so they can be turned into coded products. It then develops functional databases and servers capable of supporting user-facing content, evaluating the responsiveness of the site or App and resolving any critical issues in a timely manner.

There are several activities that the Full Stack Developer can perform, such as:

  • work with HTML and JavaScript, and CSS preprocessors, to create customer-facing platforms;
  • Manage databases and servers;
  • Coding across multiple languages and platforms;
  • Communicate with the graphic design team to build the best possible product;
  • Prototype simplified versions of sites and Apps to show to the client;
  • Testing the prototypes.

The Full Stack Developer’s main responsibilities include front-end development, back-end design, database and server creation, andAPI development. With the help of HTML/CSS and JavaScript frameworks and libraries, must be able to create interactive user interfaces and a robust back-end architecture to retrieve data from servers. What it creates must work smoothly with all operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux) and must meet the needs of the end user.

Full Stack Developer, skills required

First and foremost, the Full Stack Developer is a programmer, so he or she must be familiar with the most commonly used programming languages, viz:

  • HTML, CSS, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, JS+ Node, Vue, React and Angular for the Front End;
  • PHP (or ASP), Python, Java, Laravel and Symfony for the Back End;
  • SQL (or MySQL) and MongoDB for databases.

Front-end, or client-side, development is about the interface that users can view: every site and every App must be pleasing to the eye and easy to use.

Today Front End Development is more complicated than in the past because users interact with sites through different devices. The Full Stack Developer must work to ensure that a site displays properly on different browsers, operating systems, and device types.

Back-end development, on the other hand, refers to the work that goes on behind the scenes of a site or application, that is, the architecture behind the product (databases, servers, proprietary software in between).

Among the
Soft Skills
required of a Full Stack Developer, the main ones are:

  • creativity: the developer must understand the goals of the project and create a product that engages the target audience;
  • strategic planning: the developer must know how to strategically plan the design, development and implementation phases;
  • analytical skills, which are essential for analyzing information accurately and making logical, data-driven decisions;
  • problem-solving: troubleshooting skills help predict errors and develop bug-free sites and applications;
  • Time management skills: the developer must meet deadlines by ensuring proper execution of his or her tasks.

How to become a Full Stack Developer

Typically, the Full Stack Developer is a Front End Developer or Back End Developer who decides to expand his or her knowledge. A computer science degree is not essential: it is possible to work as a Full Stack developer even as a self-taught person, thanks to the many courses available (including online). Indeed, what makes the difference is, more than anything else,field experience and continuing education.

The salary of a Full Stack Developer, in Italy, is about €35,000 per year: an entry level developer earns an average of €29,000, while an experienced developer can exceed €40,000.

Phyd Full Stack Developer courses

Are you looking for a Full Stack Developer course? Phyd provides its members with the best courses to become a Full Stack developer: the wide range of options allows you to choose the course that suits you best, depending on your level of knowledge and experience in the field.

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