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Growth Hacker: what he does and what skills he must have

If you want to translate it literally, the meaning of “Growth Hacker” is “growth pirate.” The Growth Hacker is the professional who is responsible for devising and developing a company’s growth strategies through his or her marketing and communication skills.

Through its strategies, it helps contain business costs and supports the company in its growth and acquisition of new customers. It is not always a specific figure: even a product manager or a marketing manager can have the role of Growth Hacker.

But how to become a Growth Hacker and what is the salary one can aspire to?

What does the Growth Hacker do and what skills must they have

The Growth Hacker uses unconventional avenues to achieve business growth goals, somewhat like the Hacker does for his IT purposes. They often have to strategize under tight time constraints, with limited resources and in particularly competitive industries. The Growth Hacker not infrequently has limited budgets at his disposal and must therefore be adept at investing limited resources with relevant strategies aimed at achieving the goals of the organization for which he works.

It is a figure born within startups, which are called upon to move quickly and with few resources at their disposal.

Specifically, the Growth Hacker focuses on:

  • SEO optimization, to improve the visibility of the company site on search engines. It therefore optimizes the structure of the site, HTML code, text, and inbound and outbound links;
  • e-mail marketing, to acquire new customers and to retain existing ones;
  • social media, to make the organization’s brand more visible online and to spread the corporate brand identity;
  • advertising, which presupposes knowledge in the field of Communication and Marketing.

Of all these activities, the Growth Hacker is generally not personally involved. Rather, he serves as an advisor and coordinator of the various operational figures, guiding work teams toward the company’s goals. This is a profession in high demand even in small and medium-sized enterprises.

How to become a Growth Hacker

There is no specific degree path to become a Growth Hacker. Often those entering this profession have a digital background, or are marketing or communications graduates. But, what matters most are the specialized courses taken afterwards: SEO optimization, social marketing, advertising, coding, data analysis and finance.

In addition, a Growth Hacker must have specific soft skills:

  • entrepreneurial spirit;
  • propensity for leadership;
  • Ability to work in a team;
  • skills in project management;
  • versatility;
  • lateral thinking;
  • results orientation;
  • curiosity;
  • creativity;
  • ability to communicate and motivate the team.

What is the salary of a Growth Hacker? In Italy, his compensation is about 40,000 euros per year for an entry-level figure, rising to about 80,000 euros in RAL for professionals with more than 5 years of experience.

Phyd’s Growth Hacking Courses.

Do you think you have the skills to become a Growth Hacker, but would like to engage with an expert who can analyze your skills and help you identify your career path? Thanks to Phyd’s team of experts and coaches, you have many tutoring, coaching and mentoring services to better focus on your professional goals and really understand what your path is. In addition, you will find numerous Growth Hacking courses on Phyd to deepen your skills and learn about every aspect of this emerging profession.


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