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What to expect from a Linux systems engineer course?

Linux is an operating system, just like Windows, iOS and Mac OS: Android, one of the world’s most powerful mobile platforms, is powered by Linux itself.

Without the operating system, the software would not work since it could not communicate with the hardware.

Thus, taking a Linux systems engineer course opens the door to a highly sought-after profession.

Who is a Linux system administrator

A Linux system administrator is a back-end specialist who installs, configures, and maintains Linux operating systems. Specifically:

  • installs and configures Linux systems, including databases and back-end scripts;
  • Performs system maintenance by examining error logs;
  • creates system backups;
  • Monitors system performance to prevent slowdowns and crashes;
  • Provides technical support;
  • Preserves the security of the system.

A Linux system administrator is an important member of a company’s IT team, and he or she is often found employed in medium- to large-sized organizations.

Here it is the link between the organization and the end user, as it configures IT systems and keeps them running smoothly.

Participating in a Linux system administrator course teaches all the fundamentals of the trade to successfully enter the profession.

Why take a Linux systems engineer course

A Linux systems engineer course teaches everything needed to install, configure, and maintain Linux-based computer systems.

The aspiring systems engineer will learn to deal with problems the operating system may run into, dealing with:

  • Managing users;
  • Store the information;
  • Manage devices and application software.

Once these skills have been acquired, the worker can offer himself or herself as a junior system administrator, or continue training with an advanced course.

What to expect from an entry-level Linux systems engineer course ? It will teach you to:

  • Taking the first steps in Linux;
  • Learning the basics of the command line (CLI);
  • Extracting data from files;
  • transforming commands into scripts;
  • Know the hardware and connect it to the software;
  • Create groups and users;
  • Keeping the system safe.

Once you have acquired the basic knowledge, you can take part in a certified Linux systems engineer course, whereby you will learn how to:

  • Know the knowledge needed to become a Linux system administrator;
  • Use almost all Linux commands;
  • Acquire advanced Linux systems administration skills;
  • Managing Linux servers in an enterprise environment;
  • Solving Linux issues;
  • Writing basic and advanced level scripts.

Upon completion of the course you will be able to take the Linux certificationexam .

What is Linux certification

Linux certification, attainable upon completion of an advanced Linux systems engineer course, is essential for aspiring to the best roles.

The most comprehensive is the CompTIA Linux+, which can be achieved once the entire operation of Linux is known: the mechanisms of distribution, installation of the operating system, its use, and the possibilities of modification through source code and computer programming language.

Alternatively, certifications can be obtained:

  • GCUX-GIAC, which is valid for four years and perfect for those who want to learn more about cyber-security and cybersecurity;
  • LFCS, also open to Linux newbies, after acquiring the basics of the operating system;
  • LFCE, reserved for those with prior, expendable experience in industry;
  • Linux Professional Institute: its certifications, tiered, are among the most sought-after in the selection process.

Phyd makes available to its members
for Linux systems engineer. There is a wide range of offerings: there are free courses for those with no experience, and in-depth courses for systems engineers who want to focus on certain aspects of management. Browse the programs, and choose the Linux systems engineer course that’s right for you.


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