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What about smart working?

The new minister of public administration is named Paolo Zangrillo. Among many things, he is a supporter of the Turin-Lyon Tav, smart working, and a strong critic of citizenship income, which he would in fact like to dismantle. He is 61 years old, with a long career as a manager and a brief experience as a politician. At Fiat, he worked in human resources since 1987, then became personnel director at Acea, while his entry into politics is of recent date and dates back to 2018, when he was first elected to the House from the ranks of Forza Italia(Wired).

Timid opening

In contrast to his predecessor, Renato Brunetta, Zangrillo said he also supports smart working in the public sector. In a technical commission set up during the Draghi government, Brunetta had explained that the criticalities of agile work also depended on the “generalized absence of training and information initiatives to train staff in a new way of doing work.” Already proving more open-minded, however, is newly appointed Minister Zangrillo, who explained in an interview with Repubblica that remote work has become “a tool” and that “we need to evaluate and use it, moving from a logic of control to one of measuring results.” Performance measurement, according to him, “should not be taboo”(SkyTG24).

Smart working and family

The effectiveness and usefulness of smart working is still the focus of much debate in Italy. In other parts of the world, for example in the United States, it has become a new normal, as well as an incentive-apparently-to start a family. Remote work, wrote The Atlantic magazine, could become the solution against the demographic decline now affecting most Western countries. According to research by the National Bureau of Economic Research, in the United States, the rapid post-Covid economic recovery and the rise of remote work may have influenced the choice to have children. This was also explained by Axios, which told the story of an employee in the technology sector who decided, precisely during the health emergency, to start a family.



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